Red Aesthetic & the Truth Behind it!

The Color Red
Red represents a myriad of emotions and feelings with a range so vast because everywhere around the world, it holds a different symbolic meaning. But one thing to note is that whatever is represented by the color red, it will always be Potent. Potent in the sense that red symbolizes a vast majority of things from bloody murders to passionate love, but no matter what it represents, it will always and always have an intensity so high that the particular emotion being symbolized is described at its absolute peak.
Symbolic Meaning of Red
Red has the most symbolic meaning in all of the colors present in the spectrum. The reason for this is because of the significant effect it has on our brains. The moment we see the color red, our brains go into a sort of a small overdrive to interpret it as soon as possible and because there are different kinds of people in the world, so there are different connotations to the same color.
Red symbolizes romantic, physical and passionate love while also symbolizing violence, anger and danger. It is an aesthetic that can exhibit the feelings of sexiness and energy while also the feeling of a gruesome death and depression. It is also used as a symbol for bravery, prosperity, honesty and honor. Ironically, this color is mostly recognized by us with the command of ‘Stop’. We see signs of stopping on the road or in factories etc. with often the color red associated with it. In rare cases it represents power and excitedness.
Effects of Red Aesthetic
The brain is always giving priority to the color red as for the brain, it shouts urgency, no matter what the symbolic meaning a certain believes it is and that is why red is the first color a newborn baby can see. Red physically affects you in different ways such as it increases your enthusiasm, stimulates energy, and can increase blood pressure, cause heart palpitations and increased heart rate, calls for action, and increases your confidence. Like everything in the world, red has positive and negative connotations.
Red aesthetic just oozes the emotion of confidence and attractiveness is used correctly. It also promotes virility and prosperity. It also keeps us on our toes by calling us to stand at attention and be motivated to do something. It promotes urgency and material success. Most of all, it represents passionate love that is true and selfless.
Having said that, red also associates with life-threatening symbols like violence, danger and anger; all of which are at their extremes. We see examples of that when we say “seeing red” for unrestrained anger or “red flags” for dangerous prospects or indications.
As the color red has the longest wavelength so it has many variations, some of which I’ll mention below, but it is important to know that the red aesthetic is a mixture of it all to attract us.
- Crimson
- Spanish red
- Maroon
- Scarlet
- Blood Red
- Light Coral
- Fire engine red
- Indian red
- Imperial red
- Vermillion
- Old rose
- Redwood
There are many more shades of red, but the aesthetic of the color overall is pretty amazing.
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Red Aesthetics’ Use
The red aesthetic is used to attract attention and give confidence at the same time. It is used to intensify an underlying emotion to its peak without saying too much. The red aesthetic can also look really classy when properly used with black and white colors. It has been researched that seeing only the color red causes stress and anxiety so it is better to pair it with certain shades. For example, when we pair red aesthetics with the aesthetics of other primary colors, it will attract the brain. We also have to use the color carefully as too much will ruin the masterpiece and people won’t be able to get the real meaning behind the aesthetic as they will tune it out unconsciously. It is often used to highlight a point. In novel covers, red does the job of putting the message of the main theme across to the audience. It is also seen to be used in many flags but is majorly paired with other colors whose quantity dominates the red color because its intensity is too much. The red aesthetic is also used to induce or awaken hunger.
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