How Asia Pulp & Paper Has Achieved Sustainability?
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) has made an unparalleled effort to create a sustainable paper industry in the developing world. Founded in 1972, APP was determined to create a better approach to sustainably managing natural resources: From producing less CO2 to planting more trees for the future. APP is also dedicated to improving the lives of forest workers and communities near their operations.
Here are several ways APP has achieved sustainability:
Reducing their impact on the environment:
As a top global producer of paper, Asia Pulp and Paper manages a large forest and paper supply chain. This includes managing forests, mills, and operations to minimize their impact on the environment. APP’s renewable energy program provides power to their mills and other business operations around the world.
Their efforts at planting trees have also been remarkable. APP has planted over 1 billion trees since 1992, protecting forests around their plantations as well as increasing yields in existing plantations.
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Improving Forest Management:
APP supports sustainable forest management through its Forest Conservation Program (FCP), which combines and improves community engagement, technical assistance, and conservation efforts using trained local foresters.
FCP includes a combination of fire, selective logging, and slash-and-burn harvesting methods that leave behind a more diverse landscape for future generations.
This approach has saved thousands of forested hectares and created a more sustainable supply of wood for APP.
Improving the Lives of Forest Workers and Communities:
APP has been a leader in improving the living conditions of forest communities by renovating school buildings, providing healthcare services, funding micro- budgets, and providing alternative income opportunities.
Empowering Women:
As a worker-owned company, APP is committed to creating greater economic opportunities for women. Through the provision of gender-sensitive policies and programs, APP aims to empower women to fully participate in Indonesia’s development.
Protecting and Preserving Biodiversity:
The company is committed to preserving the rich biodiversity found in its forest management operations.
They do this by actively conserving species such as orangutans and Sumatran tigers, which live within their concessions; minimizing road construction; acquiring only land that is critical to their operations; supporting community conservation projects; and helping the Indonesian government efforts to protect critical wildlife populations.
APP and its parent company, Sinar Mas, have also implemented multiple programs to combat illegal logging in the region.
In 2014, it began working with non-profit Global Witness and the International Transport Federation to develop a mobile app called “Fight the Smugglers” to track illegal boats transporting timber and alert authorities.
Providing Economic Opportunities:
To combat illegal logging, APP has invested in technology such as satellite surveillance, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), helicopters, radars, and thermal cameras.
They’re also leading a coalition of over 20 other Indonesian companies to eliminate illegal logging.
Recycling Waste:
Waste produced by the mills is recycled into a variety of products, such as mulch and fence posts. The company also uses waste from its operations to create energy for its mills.
For example, during the milling process, waste wood is burned in boilers to generate steam for the paper-making process. Also, the bark is used as fuel to fire the boilers.
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APP is committed to becoming a more sustainable company that leaves a better world for future generations. As a result, the company has implemented and is committed to even more sustainable programs such as green lighting, waste-to-energy, and harvest improvement projects.
APP is leading the way in creating a more sustainable paper industry and will continue to challenge its mills to meet increasingly high standards of sustainability.